First edition of Playboy Philippines

Playboy Philippines picture

No, i will not give you a free download pdf edition of Playboy Philippines :) Due to the fact that this is the first edition of Playboy here in the Philippines, i wont miss the opportunity to have my own copy coz it will be a collectible in due time. I may say that this local version of Playboy has the censorship suited for a conservative(?) country. Yes, you will see half naked girls, but not as vulgar as those images that we always see on Tiktik, Sagad, and even on FHM.  It doesnt have articles like on FHM's Ladies Confession and Sex Positions. My girlfriend commented that this magazine is more of a Men's fashion magazine. Oh well, just grab a copy and see it for yourself.

By penoi on Monday, April 7, 2008 | | 3 comments
3 responses to “First edition of Playboy Philippines”
  1. vince says:

    But are the "words" equally stimulating as the "images?"

    My .02

    Vince a.k.a. "EVIL GREG"

  2. watson says:

    Oo nga... first edition! Makahanap nga rin ng kopya.

  3. Mawe says:

    The next issue of Playboy Phil. has Raquel Gibson on the cover. I heard that the layout has improved a bit, but the main factor that made Playboy its name - nudity - is still absent.

    I also found some images that point to a nude photoshoot done at the same location as Raquel's Playboy Phil. pictorial, although I'm not sure if these nude images will be used in the magazine.

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